Protect & Safely Transport Your TSO Parallel Guides & Guide Rails

Watch this video to see how this padded storage bag protects both your guide rails and TPG parallel guides.
This heavy duty, custom-made storage bag fits a pair of 20", 30", and 50" parallel guide T-tracks, plus provides sleeves for storing two guide rails up to 55" in length. Made of heavy-duty nylon with thick layers of padding on each side, this carrying bag provides a high degree of protection for your parallel guides and guide rails. A zippered closure on three sides makes it possible to splay the bag open for easy access to pockets and sleeves. Stitched loops, pockets, and velcro flaps keep each parallel guide in a protective cocoon and ensures they won't contact each other. The bag exterior features convenient carrying handles and two end-mounted loops for hanging on the wall.
If you're looking for a place to store smaller TSO Parallel Guide System components—like TPG Adapters, FlipStops, and the Hex Driver—see our Custom Systainer Foam Insert which fits perfectly inside Systainer3 and T-LOC Systainers. We also offer a TSO Branded Blue Systainer3 guaranteed to be a perfect fit.
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9 Reviews
Padded Storage Bag
It was more than I expected everything fits snug and it has great padding to protect my investment.
Padde dstorage bag
Very disappointed with the bag. Makita and Festool bags come wit a storage pocket on the outside that will hold the GRS-16 rail square and small parts like the allen wrench for the GRC-12 Self-Aligning Guide Rail Connectors. While the padding is excellent the lack of a pocket to hold the rail square and other related small stuff is a massive miss. I will be looking to return mine and just create an alternate padding arrangement for my makita bag to hold the parallel guides. very sad.
Excellent Fit and Protection!!
I spent a lot of money on my guide rail and parallel guides ... these should allow me to not only easily transport all these separate items at once but also protect them from accidentally dropping and getting all dinged up.
Padded storage bag
I use this bag every day. I carry 2 -55” & 2 -31” & a different parallel guide system and it still fit nice, It would have been nice to see a pouch for accessories like rail connectors and may be a shoulder strap. I really like this bag and would recommend it to others.
Great job on the bag
I love the hooks and safe carrying handles